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Brush Fiber Glossary

Melting Point is stated as a typical values; actual melting points may vary by 20*F from those stated.  It should be kept in mind that each of these materials will soften and melt over a range of temperatures, and that the useful temperature limit of a fiber is quite a bit lower than the melting point.

Tensile Modulus is a measure of the stiffness of the fiber.  The higher the tensile modulus, the stiffer the fiber.

Tensile Strength refers to how hard one can pull on the fiber before it breaks. A significant reduction in tensile strength indicates deterioration of the fiber.

Flicking Action of springiness is how well a fiber snaps back after being bent.  This is an important consideration for light sweeping and dusting, less so for heavy sweeping and scrubbing.

Bend Recovery is a fiber’s ability to return to its original position after being bent.  Lack of bend recovery is a common mode of brush failure.

Abrasion Resistance is a fiber’s ability to resist being worn away.  Abrasion is another common mode of brush failure.

Set Resistance refers to a fiber’s ability to straighten completely after being moderately flexed for a long period.  This differs from Bend Recovery which is a more severe bending for shorter periods.

Flex Fatigue Resistance describes how many times a fiber may be bent back and forth before it is damaged.

Water Absorption and Retention of Stiffness in Water refer to the tendency of certain plastics to pick up and be plasticized by water, but other materials are not affected.

Sunlight, UV Light will result in rapid degradation of some polymers.